We do yoga practice on the mat for traditional yoga and practice in mid-air for aerial yoga. The paddleboard yoga poses are now a trendy search for yoga lovers & now be able to work out all kinds of postures on the surface of the water.
Our main aim is to integrate mind, body, and soul together as we know it is the most tested way to explore our spiritual horizon! Paddleboard yoga poses help to get a more focused mind than any other posture we ever practice and have fun!
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat does SUP yoga mean?
Paddleboarding yoga occurs while we are floating on water. This workout is possible in indoor pools and mostly outdoor serene water bodies such as lakes, ponds, etc. Light wind and a cool water environment make the yogis more delightful while doing postures SUP yoga on the water.
What to wear for SUP yoga?
As you are going to perform yoga on paddleboards in an almost open space? Then pay attention to your wearing first. It is better to wear tank tops and tees. Your main aim is to keep safe on the paddleboard so, these are helpful to keep you dry when in the warm sunshine.
Furthermore, this bathing suit especially suits you to keep balanced and opt for quick swimming when you lose control. Ha ha!
Sunscreen lotion is necessary to keep you safe from UV rays. Spraying oil-free lotion on the body helps you against slipping on the board at the same time.
Standup paddleboard yoga poses
Unlike we do traditional yoga poses on the ground, we don’t need any specialized skills on the water. While you may get hurt from a yoga injury on the ground, in this way you just fall on water, just hug with it, and have fun! Following are the most practiced and beneficial yoga poses we can work out on the SUP board.
1. Seated prayer pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name: Sukhasana
Wins: Inner peace and calmness and straightens the backbone
Pic: Seated Prayer pose
2. Sun salutation pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name: Surya Namaskar
Wins: It exclusively increases energy in the body.Well-known for warm-up yoga poses.
Pic:Sun salutation pose
3. Half-twist pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name:Ardha Matsyendrasana
Wins: It allows super flexibility to the spine and hips and tones.Helpful for abdominal muscles.
Pic: Half-twist pose
4. Downward Facing dog pose
Level: Beginners
Sanskrit name: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Wins: Well known for all body stretch including leg, arm, and core strengthening
Pic: Downward facing dog pose
5. Upward-facing dog
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name:Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Wins: It lengthens and strengthens the abdominal muscles.Very helpful for the spine and buttocks
Pic: Upward-facing dog pose
6. Plank pose
Level: Intermediate
Sanskrit name:Vasisthasana
Wins: It helps to increase balance and strengthens arms
Pic: Plank pose
7. Full wheel pose
Level: Intermediate
Sanskrit name:Urdhva Dhanurasana
Wins: Very much efficient to relieve back pain.Strengthens lungs, chest, abdomen, arms, and wrist.
Pic: Full wheel pose
8. One-legged dog pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Wins: It simulates and strengthens standing legs. It is the sequence of downward-facing dog poses.
Pic: One-legged dog pose
9. Bow pose
Level: Intermediate
Sanskrit name:Dhanurasana
Wins: Enhances kidney, and liver function and strengthens abdominal organs.Very much helpful to release back pain and give flexibility to spinal tissue.
Pic: Bow pose
10. Frog pose
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Sanskrit name: Mandukasana
Wins: It helps to stretch the groin, gluten, and abductors simultaneously.Exclusive for the runners.
Pic: Frog pose
11. Bridge pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name:Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Wins: Strengthens hamstrings, back, and buttocks.Spinal flexibility and more blood circulation
Pic: Bridge pose
12. Cobra pose
Level: Beginner
Sanskrit name:Bhujangasana
Wins: It stretches abdominal muscles and strengthens the spine and buttocks.Very much effective for opening the lungs, shoulder, and chest.
Pic: Cobra pose
13. Ear pressure yoga pose
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Sanskrit name:Karnapidasana
Wins: It helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and abdominal organs.Very much effective for asthma sufferers.
Pic: Ear pressure yoga pose
14. Lord of the Dance pose
Level: Intermediate
Sanskrit name: Natarajasana
Wins: Efficient to improve balance and opening the hips. It stretches and strengthens the chest, ankles, and legs.
Pic: Lord of the Dance pose
15. Headstand pose
Level: Advanced
Sanskrit name: Sirsasana pose
Wins: It is known as the king of all asanas. Exclusively helpful to strengthen the neck, shoulder, spine, and abdomen.
Pic: Headstand pose
SUP Yoga paddle board benefits
Yoga poses on a paddle board help you significantly improve your core workout. Whatever benefits we describe here these are to increase whole body alignment and balance mostly compared to traditional yoga poses.