5 Must-Try Pregnancy Ball Exercises for a Stronger, Happier Journey to Motherhood

The pregnancy journey is filled with excitement, anticipation, and sometimes a few discomforts. As expectant mothers approach their due dates, they often seek natural ways to prepare for labor and alleviate common pregnancy discomforts. Enter the humble yet powerful tool – the pregnancy ball (a birthing ball or yoga ball). This versatile exercise accessory provides comfort and a range of exercises that can help induce labor, ease pain, and promote overall well-being.

 What is a Pregnancy Ball?

Okay, folks, let’s clear the air. A pregnancy ball is not just a glorified playground toy or something you accidentally trip over while attempting to walk across your living room. It’s a sturdy, inflatable ball used for exercises to induce labor, particularly helpful for those gestating a small human being. It’s perfect for tackling pelvic girdle pain, prepping for labor, and giving you that moment of zen amid baby shower chaos. It’s the Swiss Army knife of pregnancy tools. No, really. The birthing ball positions to induce labor a test-worthy prop. 

Benefits of Pregnancy Ball Exercises

Using a pregnancy ball during late-stage pregnancy comes with numerous benefits. First and foremost, it promotes optimal fetal positioning by encouraging the baby’s head to engage in the pelvis. Additionally, these exercises help strengthen core muscles (crucial during delivery), improve posture, enhance balance and stability, and relieve back pain and pelvic girdle pain – all while keeping you active safely. This kind of sitting position induces labor beyond assumption!

When to start using exercise balls in pregnancy?

If you’re already past your first trimester and your doctor gives you the green light, it’s game on! Many women start incorporating the pregnancy ball in the second trimester as the “Empire Strikes Back” of your pregnancy saga—the one where things get real.

Why Use a Pregnancy Ball in a Word?

**Good for You:** Improves posture, reduces lower back pain, and ups your balance game!  

**Good for Baby:** Helps in positioning the baby for labor. Win-win!

 Choosing the Right Ball

1. **Size Matters:** Your feet should touch the ground when you sit on it.

2. **Material Girl:** Opt for anti-burst material for safety.

3. **Grip Is Key:** A little texture on the ball can help you keep your balance.

Yoga ball exercises for inducing labor

1. Warm-Up: Feel the Ball 

**How To:**  

1. Sit on the ball.

2. Sway side-to-side and front-to-back.


Loosens up your hips and gets you comfortable on the ball. Plus, it feels like a mini-dance party!

2. Exercise #1: Hip Circles 

**How To:**  

1. Sit tall, and engage your core.

2. Move your hips in a circle. 


Helps relieve tension in the hips and lower back.

3. Exercise #2: Squats Made Easier 

**How To:**  

1. Stand with the ball against a wall, leaning into your lower back.

2. Lower into a squat, letting the ball roll with you.


Targets your quads and glutes but takes the pressure off your back.

4. Exercise #3: Rock-a-Bye-Baby 

**How To:**  

1. Sit and lean slightly forward, hands on knees.

2. Gently rock back and forth.


Mimics the soothing motion that babies love and can help get the baby into a good position for labor.

5. Exercise #4: The Pelvic Tilt 

**How To:**  

1. Sit up straight.

2. Tilt your pelvis back and forth.


Strengthens your core and gives your lower back a nice little stretch.

6. Exercise #5: The Ball Bounce 

**How To:**  

1. Sit.

2. Gently bounce up and down, just enough to lift your bum off the ball.


Keeps you entertained (hello, inner child!) while also engaging your leg and core muscles.

According to the survey, the aforementioned pregnancy ball exercises in the third trimester offer tremendous benefits!

**Note:** Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine, especially during pregnancy. Safety first! 

How to use an exercise ball to induce labor: 

 1. The Classic Sit: It’s Not Lazy, It’s Strategic

If you think sitting is an Olympic sport, a pregnancy ball will be your gold medal. But this isn’t just any sit; we’re talking about sitting positions to induce labor. The ideal pose? An open pelvis and an upright spine. This is the Beyoncé of sitting positions: flawless, empowering, and ready for action. And who knows, maybe you’ll induce labor while binging your favorite show.

2. Hip Circles of Happiness:

 As the baby grows, so does the pressure on your lower back and hips. Combat this discomfort with soothing hip circles. Sitting on the ball, sway those hips in circular motions, channeling your inner belly dancer. Not only will your hips thank you, but you might even discover a hidden talent for rhythm.

3. Rock-a-Bye Backache:

 Back pain is that unwelcome guest who won’t leave the party. Show it the door with a rocking motion on the pregnancy ball. Pregnancy ball exercises for back pain are now medically tested. Gently move back and forth, feeling the tension melt away. Your back might send you a “thank you” note later.

4. Pelvic Magic: 

The exercise pelvic girdle pain can sometimes make you waddle more than walk. Fear not! The pelvic girdle pain pregnancy exercises come to the rescue. Sit on the ball, gently rock side to side, and feel your pelvic muscles sigh in relief. It’s like a mini vacation for your pelvis. So, the yoga ball for pregnancy perfectly works as pelvic magic.

5. Labor Dance Practice:

 Okay, the ball can’t guarantee an express delivery, but rumor has it that practicing specific exercises can help prepare your body for labor. Kneel in front of the ball, place your forearms on it, and sway your hips side to side. It’s like salsa dancing, minus the dance partner. So, an exercise ball to induce labor is a perfect idea!

So, moms-to-be, don’t be shy. Grab that yoga ball for pregnancy, channel your inner bouncer, and embrace the wobbles and giggles. Whether gently swaying, bouncing like a kangaroo, or simply using the ball as a comfortable seat to binge-watch your favorite shows, remember that this is your special time. It is a time to celebrate the magic of creation, the wonder of your changing body, and the thrilling anticipation of meeting your little one—a bouncy ball for pregnancy and all.

Hope this helps you roll into a healthier, happier pregnancy

Pic credited from iStock Photo

Further reading